Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Chronoport Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) will comply with this Privacy Policy and the laws and regulations regarding personal information when handling personal information in the course of business, and will strive to protect personal information appropriately.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Our company will comply with laws and regulations, guidelines mandated by the government, and other laws concerning personal information, and will strive to protect personal information appropriately.

Acquisition and use of personal information

Our company will specify the purpose of use of personal information and will acquire and use personal information appropriately and fairly to an extent necessary to achieve that purpose. Additionally, we will implement appropriate measures to ensure the personal information we have acquired is not used for any other purposes.

Provision of personal information to third parties

Our company will not provide personal information to any third party unless:
・Prior consent is obtained from the individual.
・It is in accordance with laws and regulations.
・When entrusting the handling of personal information to a third party is within the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Management of personal information

Our company is fully aware of the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information handled, and will implement appropriate corrective measures should problems arise, along with reasonable security measures.

Inquiries regarding the handling of personal information

If you have any questions, uncertainties, complaints, or other inquiries regarding how our company handles personal information, please contact our company’s personal information consultation service.

【Contact information for inquiries】
Chronoport Inc.
Personal information consultation service
TEL: 03-6860-8512
Mail: via the inquiry form